
Are You Leveraging Patient Insurance? You’re Missing Out.

Explore the impact of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and enrollment barriers in clinical trials, focusing on how patient insurance affects delayed enrollments and dropouts. Dive into solutions designed to tackle these financial challenges.


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In the dynamic landscape of clinical trials, the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) cannot be understated. This presentation dives deep into how DEI intersects with enrollment challenges, shedding light on compelling statistics that link delayed enrollment and dropouts with patient insurance complexities.

One significant area of focus is the financial hurdle tied to SoC (Standard of Care) therapies – a major, yet frequently unaddressed expenditure that comes with clinical trial participation. Is SoC truly attainable for all?

CTRxTM brings to the table a myriad of advantages, such as:

Cost Reduction

Diminish the financial strain on patients.

Enhanced Patient Flexibility

Offer patients more choices and autonomy.

Optimized Resource Utilization

Lessen dependence on sponsor and site resources.

You can also view our webinar, Fostering Patient-Centricity: Clinical Supply Chain Strategies and Sourcing Solutions,  here.